
Aire Heating Services and Air Conditioning Inc.

107 Mineral Springs • Buffalo, NY 14210 • 825-8341 • 693-0900 • gobo@msn.com

"Where the race for quality has no finish line"


Why would you need a Humidifier for your home?

Recommended Relative Humidity 35%
Sahara Desert 25%
Death Valley 23%
Average Heated Home 13 - 16%

Relative humidity is the percentage of moisture in the air compared to its maximum capability to hold moisture under the same conditions. 70 degree air can hold more than 12 times as much moisture as 10 degree air. Outside air at 10 degrees and 70 percent relative humidity drops to 7 percent relative humidity when heated to normal room temperature without internal sources of moisture, such as cooking, laundry, showers, ect.
That's only a fraction of the humidity recommended for the average heated home, and it's this 'desert dryness' that makes you feel uncomfortable and takes moisture from your home, furnishings - even you and your family. The recommended indoor relative humidity is 35% and up to 45% in warmer climates or where special construction prevails - and not all humidifiers have the capacity to reach these levels.
Doctors often times have mentioned dry air as one of the causes for nose, throat, and other physical aggravations.
Heated air dries out and shrinks wood framing around doors and window frames. Gaps occur, permitting cold outside air infiltration. Heat loss and higher heating costs are often the results.
Heated, parched air causes separation of wood in floors ,trim and furniture... excessive wear of fabrics and carpets...loss of piano tone quality..wall and ceiling cracks..plants damage and annoying static shocks are also a by product of dry air.



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Aprilaire is the Answer

Aprilaire Humidifier

Proper humidity reduces heating costs by stopping wood shrinkage, which reduces cold air infiltration around doors and windows frames. In turn, you'll feel warm at lower temperatures. You can actually dial down your thermostat and still be comfortable.

In cases where excessive dry air has been the cause of physical aggravations, doctors have prescribed whole - house humidification.

Furnishings are protected with proper humidity too - - reducing the damaging effects of heated. parched air upon everything from your wood floors to your plants.

Aprilaire, Safe and Proven

Aprilaire humidifers are safe, proven, flow - through evaporative humidifiers. They were the first evaporative, flow - through design humidifiers introduced in 1954, and millions of users have since enjoyed the many benefits of proper humidification with a minimum of maintenance. They produce humidity in a safe, pure water vapor form. No mist or droplets are present which can carry impurities. The flow - through design is your assurance that all minerals and impurities left from the evaporation process are either flushed down the drain or deposited on the replaceable Water Panels. The unique and patented principle of operation is explained in more detail below.

A Natural Process

All Aprilaire humidifiers utilize Nature's own process - - the introduction of humidity in the form of water vapor. Aprilaire provides the refinements necessary for positive, accurate humidification control.

How It Works

The humidistat is conveniently set at the desired humidity level based on the outside temperatures. When the furnace blower is on, it activates the humidifier when the humidity falls below that setting.

Water is supplied to the patented distribution tray, then flows evenly across the Water Panel® evaporator. Thirsty, dry air is forced through the wetted panel and the now humidified air carrying water as a vapor is distributed throughout your home.

Water Minerals

In some humidifiers, an imposing amount of mineral build - up in the unit can cause malfunction, requiring costly service. These minerals are also distributed throughout the home in the form of white dust .

The photo above shows the amount of solid residue left from one gallon of water at 20 grains hardness. With Aprilaire humidifiers, the minerals and solid residue not trapped by the replaceable Water Panel evaporator are flushed down a drain. Where drain facilities are not accessible or available, the specially designed Aprilaire humidifier Model 445, incorporating a water circulating system, is available.

Just set the Dial

A precision made, accurately calibrated humidistat is furnished with each Aprilaire humidifier. Merely set the dial, and reset when necessary for the proper relative humidity.

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